Thursday, March 09, 2006

Singing Horses and I'm in a quandry


Yes that's "hmm".

Hmm, because I am intrigued; There seem to be a few posts on my site (either from just one person who has a multiple personality disorder thingy - only on the Interweb - or that the banshee-like wail has gone out and bloggers are rallying to a cause.

I'm curious now. And because I am curious I find myself replying to the ether - wondering at what point the people reading this will actually realise that my blogging life is so pitifully dull and minute that they would rather listen to these singing horses. Now THAT'S what the internet is for. Actually, as wierd as the singing horses are it kind of shows where I'm coming from: The internet is useful for the obvious (shopping and porn) but what about the things that people just make up and think others will be interested in? Obviously, the creation of singing horses does somewhat stretch the boundaries but that doesn't mean that it's not fun for somebody else. What a great creation the Internet is - there's something for everyone. So, why can't blogging be part of that? Good question... and something I'm trying to figure out.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Blogging: Is it just Narcissistic?

I had an interesting conversation with a fellow blogger the other evening. I tried to ascertain whether Blogging is just a blatant form or Narcissism or whether it actually serves a purpose.

I am of the opinion that they are a pointless addition to the internet. So, why are you writing in a Blog, then? I hear you cry... [actually, why would I *think* that you are interesting in this, unless I thought that you would read this and therefore I have just displayed the very Narcissitic attibuted which I hate so much?] Well, the reason is because I feel I should at least try to see what all the fuss is about. Whether anyone reads this, or finds it interesting {[actually - again - maybe it's because I have nothing interesting to say on here, which means that I'm jealous of those who are more exciting.] So, I'm trying; very trying, in fact.

But here's the crack. I just can't think of anything to write.

Why the hell would you want to hear about something that isn't very interesting, from someone you don't know (and never will), when there are infinitely more interesting things going on outside your front door.

My view is that the web is great for photos, say. Or tickets. Or timetables. Or photos of tickets and timetables. But as a brain-dump of information from a complete stranger? Well, what's the point. There's nothing I don't say to people that I write on here. It's nothing that can't be said than can't be sung is one way to put it...

Anyway, I'm bored now of this - amazing, I even bore myself doing this.

Perhaps I'm wrong and I 'just don't get it'. I don't think the other bloggers who update their sites are wrong or stupid for that matter, but unless you have something of use to someone else, what's the point?

Friday, March 03, 2006


So, yesterday I collected my new glasses. According to the Optometrist I have to wear them for 'critical use'. Apparently, critical use includes such things as driving, using computers and... watching TV.


Anyways, I don't feel hugely comfortable with them at the moment, but I have been assured by fellow speccies that it will take some getting used to.