JOIN v_R_System b on a.ResourceID=b.ResourceID
WHERE convert(varchar(10),timestamp,121)>='2016-01-01' AND ARPDisplayName0 IN (
'Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010',
'Microsoft Office Standard 2010',
'Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010',
'Microsoft Office Standard 2013',
'Microsoft Office XP Professional',
'Microsoft Office 2000 SR-1 Professional')
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Bulk Create AD Groups from File
# AUTHOR : Marius / Hican - - @hicannl
# DATE : 08-08-2012
# EDIT : 16-11-2012
# CHANGES : Added functionality for duplicate OU names and
# changed the input file slightly because of this
# COMMENT : This script does a bulk creation of Groups in
# Active Directory based on an input csv and the
# Active Directory Module.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Import CSV
$path = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$newpath = $path + "\bulk_input.csv"
$csv = @()
$csv = Import-Csv -Path $newpath
#Get Domain Base
$searchbase = Get-ADDomain | ForEach { $_.DistinguishedName }
#Loop through all items in the CSV
ForEach ($item In $csv)
#Check if the OU exists
$check = [ADSI]::Exists("LDAP://$($item.GroupLocation),$($searchbase)")
If ($check -eq $True)
#Check if the Group already exists
$exists = Get-ADGroup $item.GroupName
Write-Host "Group $($item.GroupName) alread exists! Group creation skipped!"
#Create the group if it doesn't exist
$create = New-ADGroup -Name $item.GroupName -GroupScope $item.GroupType -Path ($($item.GroupLocation)+","+$($searchbase))
Write-Host "Group $($item.GroupName) created!"
Write-Host "Target OU can't be found! Group creation skipped!"
# AUTHOR : Marius / Hican - - @hicannl
# DATE : 08-08-2012
# EDIT : 16-11-2012
# CHANGES : Added functionality for duplicate OU names and
# changed the input file slightly because of this
# COMMENT : This script does a bulk creation of Groups in
# Active Directory based on an input csv and the
# Active Directory Module.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Import CSV
$path = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$newpath = $path + "\bulk_input.csv"
$csv = @()
$csv = Import-Csv -Path $newpath
#Get Domain Base
$searchbase = Get-ADDomain | ForEach { $_.DistinguishedName }
#Loop through all items in the CSV
ForEach ($item In $csv)
#Check if the OU exists
$check = [ADSI]::Exists("LDAP://$($item.GroupLocation),$($searchbase)")
If ($check -eq $True)
#Check if the Group already exists
$exists = Get-ADGroup $item.GroupName
Write-Host "Group $($item.GroupName) alread exists! Group creation skipped!"
#Create the group if it doesn't exist
$create = New-ADGroup -Name $item.GroupName -GroupScope $item.GroupType -Path ($($item.GroupLocation)+","+$($searchbase))
Write-Host "Group $($item.GroupName) created!"
Write-Host "Target OU can't be found! Group creation skipped!"
Create Bulk User Collections from File
#Create the required ‘global’ variables
$ConfigMgrModulePath=“[PATH TO CM]\ConfigurationManager.psd1”
$ConfigMgrSiteCode=“[SITE CODE]:”
#Connecting to site
Import-Module $ConfigMgrModulePath
Set-Location $ConfigMgrSiteCode
#Creating the User Collections
Import-CSV [PATH_TO\]BulkCreateUserCollections.csv | %{
#Create the required ‘local’ variables
$AllUsers="All Users"
$RefreshSchedule=New-CMSchedule -RecurInterval Hours -RecurCount 1
$UCInstallName="'"+$DomainName+'\\CM '+$_.CMName+"'"
# $UCUninstallName=“Uninstall “+$_.BulkCreateUserCollections
$QueryExpression='"select SMS_R_USER.ResourceID,SMS_R_USER.ResourceType,SMS_R_USER.Name,SMS_R_USER.UniqueUserName,SMS_R_USER.WindowsNTDomain from SMS_R_User where SMS_R_User.SecurityGroupName='
#Create the User Collection with a query rule
New-CMUserCollection -LimitingCollectionName $AllUsers -Name $_.CMName -RefreshType $RefreshType -RefreshSchedule $RefreshSchedule
Add-CMUserCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionName $_.CMName -RuleName $_.CMName -QueryExpression $QueryExpression$UCInstallName
#Create the ‘uninstall’ User Collection with 2 rules: include All Users and exclude the User Collection
# New-CMUserCollection -LimitingCollectionName $AllUsers -Name $UCUninstallName -RefreshType $RefreshType
# Add-CMUserCollectionIncludeMembershipRule -CollectionName $UCUninstallName -IncludeCollectionName $AllUsers
# Add-CMUserCollectionExcludeMembershipRule -CollectionName $UCUninstallName -ExcludeCollectionName $_.BulkCreateUserCollections
$ConfigMgrModulePath=“[PATH TO CM]\ConfigurationManager.psd1”
$ConfigMgrSiteCode=“[SITE CODE]:”
#Connecting to site
Import-Module $ConfigMgrModulePath
Set-Location $ConfigMgrSiteCode
#Creating the User Collections
Import-CSV [PATH_TO\]BulkCreateUserCollections.csv | %{
#Create the required ‘local’ variables
$AllUsers="All Users"
$RefreshSchedule=New-CMSchedule -RecurInterval Hours -RecurCount 1
$UCInstallName="'"+$DomainName+'\\CM '+$_.CMName+"'"
# $UCUninstallName=“Uninstall “+$_.BulkCreateUserCollections
$QueryExpression='"select SMS_R_USER.ResourceID,SMS_R_USER.ResourceType,SMS_R_USER.Name,SMS_R_USER.UniqueUserName,SMS_R_USER.WindowsNTDomain from SMS_R_User where SMS_R_User.SecurityGroupName='
#Create the User Collection with a query rule
New-CMUserCollection -LimitingCollectionName $AllUsers -Name $_.CMName -RefreshType $RefreshType -RefreshSchedule $RefreshSchedule
Add-CMUserCollectionQueryMembershipRule -CollectionName $_.CMName -RuleName $_.CMName -QueryExpression $QueryExpression$UCInstallName
#Create the ‘uninstall’ User Collection with 2 rules: include All Users and exclude the User Collection
# New-CMUserCollection -LimitingCollectionName $AllUsers -Name $UCUninstallName -RefreshType $RefreshType
# Add-CMUserCollectionIncludeMembershipRule -CollectionName $UCUninstallName -IncludeCollectionName $AllUsers
# Add-CMUserCollectionExcludeMembershipRule -CollectionName $UCUninstallName -ExcludeCollectionName $_.BulkCreateUserCollections
Friday, September 09, 2016
Find Collections with "all devices are part of the same server group"
select collections_g.SiteID from CEP_CollectionExtendedProperties join collections_g onCEP_CollectionExtendedProperties.collectionID=collections_g.collectionid where UseCluster= 1
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